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テキトーに意訳しましたけど、下訳程度に。間に合ってなかったらすみません。ご健闘お祈りします。I am now making a film on a sushi-go-round restaurants, which were originally devised in my hometown Osaka, and I would go with my parents when I was a child.What is suchi-go-round restaurant? it is a restaurant where sushi platesare placed on a rotating conveyor belt that goes through the restaurant and moves past every seat,so you can choose your favorite plate by yourself.It may look like a happy parade at theme park to you.but sushi chefs have to work mechanically all day long, putting plates on the belt one after another,Sushi which are not chosen will be thrown away.Isn't it just like our automated, mechanizedhuman society? Machines do more than we can do, and we are losing something important, like, 'reason to be' (raison d'etre フランス語、何か大切なもの、存在意義を失いつつあると訳しました)I feel that way as I watch the system of sushi-go-round.So things always have two sides, like sushi-go-roundhas a happy entertaining side and a cruel mechanical side, with efficiency over workers' feelings.While making films, sometimes I feel happy and giggle,sometimes I feel scared with the depth of the world, the two-sidedness of human society. still I think that makes the world more interesting.So, I am now making the film, in which I would like to expressthe fine, delicate balance of the two-sides.Thank you for listening.すみません。スペルミス編集しました。
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